I like to imagine that I have regular blog readers and that they would be exceptionally devastated due to my recent lack of posting. The flaw in this amazing plan is the fact that this recent lack of posting tends to be quite regular. But I swear I have a good excuse! This is a floor plan of the Queen's House in Greenwich, its much more of a design floor plan then a technical one as its more about the tiles, and mouldings, then the building dimensions (however don't get me wrong they're all to scale.)

This is a section of the same building, also more of a design section. They've both been sketched out in vectorworks ( a program I just taught myself) to scale, then transferred to illustrator and detailed tile... by tile... It wasn't about the ease it was about exploring the space, exploring how things such as tiles, windows, doors, and extreme crown moulding fits into the space. This is what I've been doing with my lack of blogging life. Tons and tons of things like this.
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